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Clovercraft Workshop 保鮮花 不謝花 永生花


創辦人一直很喜歡四葉草,C'lover代表幸運的意思,當中的lover代表着愛,藉創作每件保鮮花花藝手作希望傳遞出幸福愛原素,保鮮花寓意恆久的愛,保鮮期長達三年以上。C'lovercraft workshop是本地獨立設計,除保鮮花花藝,也有手製頭飾設計及婚禮用品,透過細心精緻的手作技巧,希望能令每位客人感受到我們用心熱誠的祝福。我們亦有DIY Workshop令客人也可以親手做出一份幸福恒久婚禮家居手作。 




保鮮花花藝導師 本來從事會計多年,後來轉職做化妝美容師。從專業辦工室走到服務行業,而一次偶然既機會令她億起自小對手工藝創作的熱愛,於是一步步建立C'lovercraft Workshop繼續尋夢理想。她有多年研習手作品經驗,做的成品有婚禮有的花球、襟花、手花、布藝復古或和風證書套、頭飾、英式禮帽及凰冠等,她自學之餘,也進修更專業的日本UDS講師課程,也希望從日本製作保鮮花的製作技巧帶來香港使更多人認識保鮮花作品。而近年,她相信只要有夢想一直存在心裏,用永不放棄的心去堅持,不論經過多少歲月,終有一天還是會實現。 保鮮花介紹: 保鮮花(Preserved Flower),台灣又名不凋花,永生花,不凋花,恆星花。在1991年在法國面世,其後引進歐美日而受到大眾歡迎,又名的長期保鮮特色,因而有象徵愛情長久不枯萎的涵義,加上不需時時更換新花的方便,作為家居辦工室擺飾,視為藝術的一環來點綴空間,保鮮花是以鮮花透過特製調配的保鮮液取代水分及養分,經過脫色上色風乾等工序,在保存鮮花原有的外觀及質感下令其顏色更鮮豔多變。只要悉心保養於溫度30及隱定濕度70以下均可保存長達兩至三年以上。

C’lovercraft workshop, our founder love clover. Clover bring luck to their founder and there are ‘love’ in ‘Clover”. We believe every piece of our handmade craft bring love to people.  Preserved flower can experience eternal love. 


C’lovercraft workshop is a local design workshop. Apart from perserve flowers, we also make headpieces and wedding accessories. We also organize workshops to the public.


C’lovercraft founder has varies working experience. She has worked as accountant, make up artist and beautician. In one day, when she was trying to make a headpiece for her clients, it reminds her passions and experience on making handcraft when she was in school. And from then, she has handmade varies, wedding crafts, accessories and preserve flowers decorations. She eventually found C’lovercraft Workshop and would like to show that  "if we are persistent to pursure our dream, it will become true, no matter how long it will take."


Preserved flowers are processed in specific waythat coarse the original colour, shape and texture of a flower. The technology was invented in 1990s in France and become popular world wide as wedding gift or house decoration. It can kept for 3 years if it is handle with care. Our preserved flowers are all imported from Japan, and our flower arrangement is design and handmade in Hong Kong.  

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